Circle Of Security

Circle Of Security

I am currently studying to become a Circle of Security Parenting (COSP) facilitator. Once I have graduated, I will be facilitating the attachment-based, manualised COSP program over an 8 week offering.

The Circle of Security is a visual map of attachment. The “father” of attachment theory, John Bowlby, said this about attachment: "Intimate attachments to other human beings are the hub around which a person's life revolves, not only as an infant or a toddler or a schoolchild but throughout adolescence and years of maturity as well, and on into old age. From these intimate attachments a person draws strength and enjoyment of life and, through what he contributes, gives strength and enjoyment to others. These are matters about which current science and traditional wisdom are at one." (Bowlby, J. (1980) Attachment and Loss: Volume 1. Attachment. Basic Books: New York.)