Week 1
Introduction to Postpartum
Understanding Your Brain and Your Baby's Brain
Cultivating Intuition
Key Elements for Postpartum Support
Importance of Rest
List down things that bring you joy and peace (oxytocin boosters)
List down things that give you rest
Lie down for 5 minutes every day
Complete Circle of Support Wheel
Read next week's topic in eGuide
"The Women's Brain Book" by Dr. Sarah McKay
"Baby Brain" by Dr. Sarah McKay
Week 2
The Importance of a Supportive Community: How to build your Village
The Extensiveness of Your Village
What is Rest
Nourishment and Breastfeeding
Ayurveda in Postpartum Nourishment
Setting up a Meal Train
Identify where you require more support and begin cultivating it
Find 5 recipes you love and cook 2
Read next week's topic in eGuide
"Village for Mama" by Leila Armour
"How to be Well" by Dr. Sharon Coats & Karen Kokkola
Week 3
Breastfeeding Success: How professional and peer support plays an instrumental role
Breastfeeding Preparation Plan
Antenatal Expressing Overview & Demonstration
Mastitis and Engorgement: discussion for Management
The Benefits of Continuity of Care
Find an IBCLC you like and book a session
Find a Perinatal GP and meet with them
Work through Breastfeeding Plan (if that's a goal)
Be conscious of what calms your nervous system and jot them down
Read next week's topics in eGuide
"The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding"
"Ina May's Guide to Breastfeeding"
Week 4
Understanding your Nervous System and Hormones
Self-care Framework
Bodywork & Breathwork
Setting Boundaries
Incorporate self-care into a daily routine
Begin setting your intention for postpartum
Identify who you want to set boundaries with and why - practice setting this with your partner
Read next week's topics in eGuide
"Life After Birth" by Jessica Prescott & Vaughne Geary
Week 5 (with Partner)
Revisiting Setting Boundaries
Identifying Parenting Values
Discussing Parenting Styles
Cultivate a Framework for Your Partner to Follow Early Postpartum to Support You
Set boundaries with 2 of those people
Do the Value Cards exercise
Discuss and write down your parenting styles
Refine your intention for postpartum
Read next week's topics in eGuide
Cover any questions
"The New Father" by Armin Brott
"The Whole-Brain Child Workbook" by Daniel J. Siegel
Week 6 (with Partner)
Sleep Strategies for Baby and Parents: Normalising infant sleep
Understanding Your Baby's Temperament
Mental Health Red Flags
A Final Wrap-Up of Your Postpartum Plan and Intention
Set your final intention for postpartum
"The Discontented Little Baby Book" by Dr. Pamela Douglas
"Raising a Secure Child" by Kent Hoffman