• Yes! Babies and children welcome, they're just your responsibility.

  • Yes, a plate of food and a beverage! Please mark your dish accordingly for those with allergies. A yoga mat if you have one, or just a picnic blanket will suffice. A mug for beverages (keep it clean).

  • Anyone who feels called to attend!

  • We will do our best to facilitate shade, however, please come armed with sun protection (sun cream, hats, sunglasses, etc especially for your child(ren) if attending). If you want to bring a shade provider (umbrella/tent), please do, but we will most likely be on grass.

  • In the event of rain the gathering will be rescheduled. We will communicate this via email.

  • I will arrange the food into specific groups and label everything clearly. However, you are ultimately responsible for you and your child(s) well-being. If you are severely allergic to something, I'd recommend eating before the event or bringing your own food. Please notify me before the event.

  • Yes, but its Bondi (on a weekend), so please be aware that you may be looking for parking for a while AND paying a premium in parking fees. Try and carpool or use public transport if accommodating.

  • No! Drop in and out as you please, just register your attendance so we know the numbers and can communicate with you. The fee is also for anyone attending no matter the length of stay.

  • You can send me an email at hello@flotogrow.com or a text on 0414 756 179. I also have a Singapore number +65 9118 8540