Understanding the lingo in the fertility world.

There is a lot… this part of the journey I found very strange and lonely. As there is no central depository to gain scientific knowledge about your body when trying to conceive. You end up googling and land on all these forums where women symptom spot together, share their stories, and self diagnose.

There are some Government websites…

“Thinking of having a baby” that the NSW Government share. Here they offer a brochure that discusses what supplements to take, nutrition, weight and exercise advice, drugs and alcohol, mat leave, domestic violence and health and wellbeing and dental hygiene.

“Pregnancy, Birth and Baby” that the Government share. This website offers information around support and information once you are pregnant.

Other than those… not much.

I discovered that there’s an entire fertility language and women all around the world speak this language. I personally found this ridiculous, but I did find myself reading about Sally’s latest 2WW after ttc to conceive for 8 months at 12DPO and remembered getting her BFP at 9DPO with her DD.

It’s not natural, nor is it using the right terminology, but alas, here is the glossary…

2WW: 2 Week Wait aka your Luteal phase

BFP / BFN: Big Fat Positive / Big Fat Negative aka a positive or negative pregnancy test…

BD: Baby Dust aka good luck…

CD: Cycle Day

DD / DS / DH: Dear Daughter, Dear Son, Dear Husband

DPO: Days Past Ovulation

DTD / BD: Did The Deed / Baby Dance aka Sex…

PCOS: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

POAS: Pee On A Stick

TTC: Trying To Conceive