So you’re just starting to discover womanhood…

Welcome! This is really exciting.

I think every woman remembers the first day of their cycle. You were either prepared or looking down thinking “WTF is this!?”

I remember I was 11 years old, about to start year 6 at a new school and I was playing around with the brand new family Apple iMac computer when… “Hmm what’s this?… Muuummmmmmmm!”. I was young, I knew nothing AND it was summer (in Aus). January 6th.

Wherever you were, or are, just remember this is something great. This means you are on your way to womanhood and about to learn why females are so special to this earth. Our cycles are one of the most important factors in our lives as females, and understanding how we work internally in this unique way will help and guide us through so much of what we will discover about ourselves throughout the years.

A great resource is the Clue website. Clue is an all-female platform that looks into the data and science to educate women on their cycle. Clue is really useful and has everything you will possibly need to understand what you might be going through. They also have all the answers to questions you’ll want to ask.

But, talk about it. Ask for support. There is no wrong question. Women talking about women should be the most natural concept there is. We need to revive this narrative and support one another throughout womanhood.

To learn more about avoiding fertility head on over to our cycle page where you will begin to understand the workings from within.


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