Know to Grow: A Guide to Planning for Postpartum


This guide is designed to be a comprehensive resource that provides evidence-based information and guidance to encourage a positive postpartum.

The information presented within this guide is based on the latest research and expert recommendations and is intended to be practical, actionable, and easy to understand.

The goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to take care of yourself and your new baby, to take out the guessing in postpartum.

Included with this 200+ page eGuide:

  • eCards to print and have around the house for when the baby arrives

  • 45min video guided gentle bodywork for when you’re ready to move postpartum by Sarah Routhier

  • 10min deep rest meditation by Sarah Routhier

  • Access to the Know to Grow Exclusive Member’s Portal

  • Access to our Birth, Postpartum, and Motherhood Directory

  • Updated monthly recipes and more!

eGuide Cited by:

Dr. Eliza Hannam, GP, IBCLC, and NDC Accredited (Feeding Success)

Stephanie Banning, Clinical Psychologist at Think Clinical Psychologists

Illustration and Design by Handsome Fred Studio

Photography by @film.mums

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